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Master Tung's Acupuncture: DAO MA - San Huang (Three Yellows) with Dr. Henry McCann
Master Tung's Three Yellows Acupuncture points 88.12+ 88.13+ 88.14
The Basics of Dao Ma Needling with Dr. Henry McCann | Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs
Hepatitis and Jaundice Tung Points and Which Side Best to Needle by Henry McCann with ending
Master Tung's Acupuncture Points: Four Flowers Dao Ma 77.08+ 77.09+ 77.11
Neijing and Nanjing Treatment Strategies in Tung's Acupuncture
Master Tung's Acupuncture Tong shen (88.09)+ Tong wei (88.10)+ Tong bei (88.11)
Master Tung's Foot Three Fires 66.10+ 66.11+ 66.12
Master Tung's Tu Chang Acupuncture Points (Dao ma 88-06)
लीवर की बीमारी ,upper three yellow,88.12,88.13,88.14/Liver problem,Hepatitis,Fatty liver,Parkinson
Tung's Acupuncture and Herbs for Stress and Digestive Disorders
Tung's Acupuncture points 33.13 (Ren shi), 33.14 (Di shi), 33.15 (Tian shi)